Friday, January 30, 2009

Things done in Dublin

Walk, walk, walk.
That is what I have been doing today and my little legs are a little worn-out.

There are pictures on the way, there is something about Picasa (the web album tool I use) that does not allow the pictures to be posted immeditately on my blogs, give it a day or two and pictures will start showing up.

There are several sights to see that are fairly close to Kinlay Hostel, where I am staying. Christ Church Cathedral was pretty cool, the Crypt down under the Cathedral was nice and eerie. I then walked down to the Museum of Dublin and went through part of the exhibits, my eyes were getting too tired to read maybe I will go back later.

I will travel to Galway tomorrow around noon.

I am going to head back down the hill to Trinity College to check it out, now that I have somewhat recovered. I can tell I will walking, picture taking, and then blogging some, so I don't get too wore out.

Here are some photos from Christ Church Cathedral
Dublin - Christ Church Cathedral

Arrived in Dublin, waaaahooo!

Made it to Dublin without any problems, way too smooth. The flight from Atlanta was about 6 1/2 hours and yes the seats were cramp and I did not sleep, but that will not stop the Dublin adventure.

The bus ride in from the airport dropped me right at Trinity College, but it took me a couple of blocks to get my bearings, which means I was heading in the wrong direction.

The other thing I really must say, people have complained in Austin about how the streets names change, get out!, Dublin must be the city where this trait originated. Kinlay Hostel (where I am staying & writing this blog) is on Lord Edwards Street, which is also College Green, Dame Street, Christchurch Place, High Street, Cornmarket, Thomas Street,..., so no more complaints to me about street names changing, please.

So, I just have a little time here in Dublin, so I got to get going. Post at you later.