Saturday, February 7, 2009

Free Derry Corner

My first adventure out into Derry took me through the area known as Free Derry Corner. This area is dedicated to the struggle for Civil Rights, with a specific focus on the Civil Rights struggles for Catholics in this area of Ireland. Some years ago there were misrepresentation of the catholic population in the government and employment due to gerrymandering of the areas, this led to "The Troubles". There continues to be tensions between the protestants and catholic population, which is only being heightened due to the economic strife in Ireland.

On the 30th January 1972, during a civil rights protest march 13 unarmed individuals were killed by a British Parachute Regiment, this incident became known as Bloody Sunday and was swept out of site by Government. U2 wrote a song in remembrance of this brutal event, the song title is Bloody Sunday. These types of actions did lead to more militant operations by some within Irish public, such as the IRA, but not all of the people struggling for justice & sovereignty were involved in these militant activities.

The photos included in the post are primarily of murals that represent the struggles of Civil Rights and some of the international figures involved in these efforts of justice.

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Free Derry Murals & Bloody Sunday Memorial

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