Monday, February 2, 2009

Things to do in Inis Oirr when you die

Don't worry about the title of this entry, I stole it some of Warren Zevon's lyrics. Warren was always joking around....

Hopped on a bus at the hostel and rode for about 45 minutes to the port where we boarded (I was the only one on board that was going for leisure) the boat, that went to Innishmann first and then docked at Inis Oirr (Innisheer for us non-gaelic speaking folks).

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There are a couple of things to note, this is off-season and it was windy, the wind made for a brisk day, but it was not numbing, it was actually enjoyable. The first thing that I noted, meant that I virtually saw no one, I am sure they were inside staying out of the wind.

I had about 4 1/2 hours to stroll around the island, the island does not have a complete road around it (or not that I saw on any of the maps). I first went to the north shore to see if I could find any seals, none were found, then I came back thru town and to the south side. I made friends with a horse over there, since I shared my apple with him, he wanted more as I walked away or maybe it was just the attention, it was pretty isolated over there. On the south side there is a lighthouse (which I did not make it all the way to, since it was off limits) and the Plassey ship wreck from the 1960's. After the south side I ventured back into town and went to O'Brien's Castle and teh Church of St. Kevin & graveyard.

Innisheer Northshore

Innisheer Southshore

Innisheer Points of Interest

Then back on the boat and back into Galway, where I could not eat fast enough.

Tomorrow should be a stroll thru the country side by the Cliffs of Moher.

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